Gemuk itu menarik x??
for you all..give me any comment about this..juz nak tau..
sbb diri neh pun leh tergolong dalam golongan 3G neh=)
so apa pendapat korang ek? for me lar kan..neh bkn nak angkat bakul sendiri or what but for me myself yang skrg dh umo 19thn neh nk share gak what i feel..
sbbnya dr dulu g sokmo yang kta aku neh Badak air, hippopotamus, blu hyppo and bla...bla..
but 4 me..gemuk or not, its just what appears on the outside. to me each and everyone of us is beautiful. for God is fair in whatever he does and none is made differently. we are unique in every sense. so your size or appearance does not really define as beauty because what's inside is what matters most. if kurus, does not make you pretty either. sometimes even thin people are not that pretty only because of how they behave and bring themselves.
rite guys?? you all imagine tgk kalo someone tu kurus sgt pun xsdp dpandang..kalo gmuk sgt plak tkut kesihatan tak terjamin rite..cantik or x suma 2 xbape penting..yang pentingnya sihat ke tak seseorang tu.. tambah2 lagi kalo suka seseorang jangan lar hanya pndang pada rupanya tp pada hatinya..
for yang sama waktu dgn aku neh..try to accept yourself seadanya tanpa perlu merungut..suma manusia sama sahaja di sisiNYA yang membezakan kita adalah amalannya..
yg penting jga pemakanan n xperlu kot telan segala pil yang ada..tkut merosak diri ja..
kesan skrg maybe xnmpk tp masa depan..wallahualam~try to prove to other yang diri kita neh masing2 ada quality yang tersendiri...
keep it up=)
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